Laser Dentistry


Technology is constantly involving, and technological developments are being made all the time. In the dental field, there have been numerous developments, all designed to improve the quality of your oral care and the health of your mouth. One recent technological development in dentistry has been the addition of lasers. While lasers have been used for many other purposes for many years, they have only been in use at the dental office for about 20 years. At Edelweiss Dental Implant Center, we use lasers for a variety of dental procedures, helping you to optimize the health and beauty of your mouth. The purpose behind this is to give you your replacement teeth the very same day that you have your implant surgery.

Laser Gum Surgery

Gum disease is a serious oral health condition that only becomes worse the longer it goes untreated. It can eventually result in painful infections and tooth loss. With more advanced stages of gum disease, surgery is required to effectively remove the plaque, tartar, and bacterial buildup below the gum line. In the past, this gum disease surgery was done with a scalpel. While effective, scalpels cause a significant amount of bleeding, as well as contribute to post-surgical pain and swelling. With the use of a laser, we can kill bacteria and remove infected tissue without the need for incisions and bleeding. This enables your gums to heal faster, reducing your downtime following your procedure.

“Gummy Smile” Treatments

When it comes to a beautiful smile, many people only think about the condition of their teeth. However, your gums can play a significant role as well. When you have excess gum tissue, your smile appears “gummy.” Your teeth look smaller, almost like baby teeth. As a result, your otherwise beautiful smile is diminished. With the use of a laser, we can remove excess gum tissue, helping you to achieve your most beautiful smile. Results are immediate, and there is much less downtime associated with the procedure.

Periodontal Regeneration

Another function of the laser is to aid in tissue regeneration. When you have gum disease, you may experience gum recession, as well as the loss of bone and periodontal ligament strength. If either of these has happened to you, we can pass the laser over the affected area. In doing so, this will help to stimulate new tissue growth. With the right wavelength, we can help to restore recessed gum tissue or lost bone mass.


A gingivectomy is a surgical procedure that is meant to remove gum tissue that has been infected as a result of gum disease so that a thorough cleaning of the teeth may be performed. With the use of a laser, the tissue is cauterized as it is cut, reducing the amount of bleeding you may experience. It also helps to stimulate new tissue growth. The laser can also be used to reshape your gums following gum disease, helping you to regain your beautiful smile. Tooth loss also has a significant impact on your jaw health, although this effect is not immediately apparent. The teeth provide stimulation for the jawbone, which then sends a message to the body to send nutrients.

Pain Reduction

Traditionally, scalpels have been used for many treatments aimed at restoring the health and appearance of your gum tissue. While effective, these manual tools cause your gums to bleed during the procedure. They also cause a significant amount of trauma to the gums, which then leads to post-procedure pain and swelling. Lasers help to limit your bleeding. Moreover, because they offer to pinpoint accuracy and can cut with extreme precision, there is less tissue trauma. This means less swelling and pain, and a shorter recovery time. Dental lasers can be set to different wavelengths for different purposes. We can even set our lasers to specific wavelengths to help aid in treating TMJ and other joint related pain.

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